About Us

Gateway Printing & Office Supplies, Inc., and its subsidiary, Jones & Cook Stationers, Inc., have been satisfying South Texas customers' needs for over 100 years combined. Gateway Printing, in its current form, traces it roots to 1963 when W.G. "Dub" Bailey and partners bought the Edinburg company. Mr. Bailey later acquired sole ownership of the firm.

By the late 1990s, Gateway Printing & Office Supply, Inc., had become the Rio Grande Valley's largest commercial printer, held a substantial presence in the office supply business and was South Texas leading provider of teaching supplies.

Jones & Cook dates back to 1926 when Amy Jones founded the firm in McAllen, lending books for a fee. As the company expanded into office supplies, it occupied a single downtown McAllen location until 1980 when then-owner Foss Jones launched a series of acquisitions and expansions that expanded the company across South Texas and grew it into one of the largest independent office supply and office furniture operations in Texas.

In November, 2008, Gateway Printing & Office Supply, Inc., acquired Jones & Cook Stationers. Today, the combined firms offer customers top-quality office and teaching supplies at competitive prices with superior service. And Gateway Printing remains South Texas' premier commercial printer. Gateway Printing is affiliated American Office Products Distributors, Inc., allowing us to efficiently service your orders anywhere in the U.S. We are also member of the Trimega Purchasing Group, the largest American office products buying cooperative, allowing us to offer even greater value to our customers.

So whether you need commercial printing, office supplies or furniture, or educational aids, at Gateway Printing and Jones & Cook, we truly are dedicated to meeting all our customers' needs with superior service.

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